Minutes - Nov 9, 2005

Date of Meeting: 

Wednesday, November 9, 2005


Michael Chibnik, Jeffrey Denburg, Vicki Grassian, Meredith Hay, Amit Kapoor, Boyd Knosp, Johna Leddy, Michael Mackey, George Malanson, Cheryl Reardon, Scott Stuart and Michael Wichman


Provost Michael Hogan and Pamela York

Meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Vicki Grassian introduced Provost Hogan to the Research Council. 

Strategic Plan 

Vicki Grassian started the conversation by asking Provost Hogan to discuss the new Strategic Plan, Iowa Promise,and specifically as it relates to the "administrative structures to enable interdisciplinary research." 

Provost Hogan commented on the institutional commitment to interdisciplinary research and addressed obstacles related to interdisciplinary research and teaching.  (One example is the shared credit task force.)  He stated that another important component of success is financial support from the State of Iowa on the Board of Regents Transformation plan.  Provost Hogan also discussed interdisciplinary research and its relationship to the promotion and tenure process.

George Malanson asked Provost Hogan what is meant by his statement regarding a "smaller and better compensated faculty," and if there is a direct or indirect impact to research enterprise.  Because of declining state budgets, the University of Iowa has been faced with declining resources (to date 86 tenured and tenure track faculty lines have been eliminated due to the budget).  The University has maintained its teaching commitments but has replaced tenured and tenure track faculty with temporary positions, term teaching appointments, etc.   Provost Hogan stressed the need to be strategic and develop a longer range plan for faculty vitality.

Vicki Grassian asked Provost Hogan what the long-range plan is for faculty salary increases.  This year, with the mid-year increases, faculty averages will be 4.5%, which will be annualized at 5%.  In order for faculty salaries to move up in the peer group standing, Provost Hogan indicated that up to 5% would be needed in upcoming years. 

Michael Chibnik commented that this plan would lead to a reduction of faculty and graduate students in academic departments.  He questioned Provost Hogan about the impact this would have on the research enterprise.  Provost Hogan commented that it need not have a major impact. 

Michael Wichman expressed concern that the decoupling faculty and P & S staff salary policy could be an issue for some staff members. 

The University of Iowa is the only Big Ten institution that does not waive tuition.  Jeffrey Denburg mentioned that this policy does impact the mission since faculty need to build in tuition into grants and contracts budgets.   Provost Hogan agreed and will address this issue in the future.

Provost Hogan was also asked to comment on the reallocation process.  The plan obligates Regents' institutions to reallocate budgets on an annual basis.  Provost Hogan also created a reallocation policy for the colleges that require them to reallocated 2% from their base budget back to the Provost.  In turn, he plans to reallocate 1.5% back out to units.  The other .5% is kept in the Provost's office for strategic reinvestment (1.3M) and initiatives. 

Approval of the minutes:

Michael Chibnik made a motion to approve the October 10, 2005 minutes.  This was seconded by Michael Wichman.  Minutes approved.

Overview of the Research Council 

Pam York was introduced by Vicki Grassian.  Vicki gave a brief overview of the Research Council.  Pam, a native of Burlington, started by providing the Research Council with an overview of her background.  She has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Illinois.  Most recently, she was working to create a sustainable venture capital market within the state of Iowa, and has had extensive fund raising and startup company experience.  Other experiences include doing "change management" - working to move organizations in a new direction. 

Pam presented a slide slow about the UI Research Foundation, which highlighted:

that the UIRF is a private not-for-profit corporation, which manages and enables commercialization of selected UI inventions

the current UIRF organization and how it will change with the first growth stage

that the UIRF Board of Directors are comprised of members from the State Board of Regents, selected faculty and staff, the private sector and UIRF officers and directors

that licensing and royalties are a significant source of UIRF revenue and are substantially distributed to the University of Iowa

that the future direction of UIRF includes increasing its capacity for commercialization, and harnessing the power of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center

Business issues:

Review seed grant programs - AHI will be reviewed to a standing committee developed through the Provost's Office.  Therefore, the Research Council subcommittee reviewing seed programs will only focus on BSFP, SSFP, and MPSFP. 

Research council members reviewed draft position descriptions for two 50% Associate VP Positions (modeled off of the Associate Provost positions).  VP Hay was hoping that the Research Council could help develop a list of committee search names.  The nominations are to be submitted to Vicki by next week (November 17).   A reminder requesting nominations will be sent to the Research Council about the search committee names early next week.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM