Research Council Meeting


Friday, May 8, 2015 - 13:00 to 14:30


UCC 2670


  1. Welcome and updates – Ed Gillan, Chair
    1. Update on RC charter revisions – Faculty Council/Senate
  2. Review and approval of April 16, 2015 meeting minutes
  3. Update on recent OVPRED activities
  4. Discussion of report and recommendations from Undergraduate Research Subcommittee - Bob Kirby and Ed Gillan (copy of two page committee report provided)
    1. Summarize the committee’s inputs and key discussions throughout semester
    2. Review the detailed strategies stemming from the committee’s three guiding principles
    3. Solicit RC member input on most desirable initial research strategies
    4. Discuss ways to implement high-priority initiatives (ICRU, OVPRED, Provost?)
  5. Solicit ideas for topics of interest for potential RC discussion next year.

Items of potential interest to RC members and their colleagues:

Federal SBIR/STTR officials will stop in Iowa City on July 15, 2015, 8am - 2pm, Sheraton Hotel