Minutes - Nov 19, 2010

Date of Meeting: 

Friday, November 19, 2010

2:30pm – 201 Gilmore Hall

Council Members present:

John Doershuk, Edward Gillan, Carin Green, Erin Irish, Robert Kirby, Kevin Kopelson, Yasar Onel, Cheryl Reardon, Paul Romitti, John Rosazza, Neil Segal, Alberto Segre, Linda Snetselaar and Paul Soderdahl.

Agenda Item 1: Approval of October 29th Meeting Minutes

A correction to the October 29th meeting minutes, i.e. that Edward Gillan should be added to the Centers and Institutes Subcommittee, was made. Robert Kirby moved to accept the corrected minutes, seconded by Edward Gillan. The minutes were approved.

Agenda Item 2: Publication Waiver Subcommittee

There is a pending waiver request. Alberto Segre has a conflict with this request since it is from his home department. Therefore, he will recuse himself from the committee for this request. The Council members discussed and decided to move ahead with only two members for this. If needed, Linda Snetselaar will help review the request. Training will be held December 1st at 4 p.m.

Agenda Item 3: Subcommittee Progress Reports and Action Items

Center​s and Institutes Subcommittee report

The Subcommittee looked through a handful of other CIC institutions to see how they represent/organize their centers and institutes from an end-user perspective. They also found that UI currently has no formal procedures for creating or reviewing centers or institutes. The terms “center” and “institute” have not been explicitly defined, nor their use restricted, so are used in a wide variety of ways in different colleges. Examples include tutorial units (the Writing Center), media and technology centers (The Language Media Center), research centers (Delta Center) and mixed research and service/core facilities (Carver Center for Genomics and the Optical Science and Technology Center). In the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, centers that have collegiate funding undergo regular CLAS reviews. The College of Public Health has the most centers. The Subcommittee will create a white paper, with the intent of reducing fears of those that will be asked to move through a process for development of a new center. They will distribute a draft of their white paper to the Council members for input.

Authorship Guidelines Subcommittee report

Each Subcommittee member is looking at areas that are of interest or related to their field/discipline, i.e., Neil medical, John social science, etc. They are working on policy language that can be inserted into the existing policy. A draft of their report will be distributed to the Research Council members for input.

Enhancing Undergraduate Research Subcommittee report

Robert Kirby was selected as Chair of the Subcommittee just this week. The Subcommittee is investigating what percent of undergrads are currently involved in research, what sort of research experience the undergrads and faculty have had, and what sort of recognition or benefit there is for faculty who are engaging undergrads in research. The goal of the Subcommittee is to have undergrad research more broadly available, paying particular attention to the area of humanities where research isn’t as straight forward. They intend to survey faculty and undergrads. 

There will be a period (approximately 20 minutes) for subcommittee breakout sessions at the December meeting.

Agenda Item 4: December Meeting Date and Time

The December meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 10th, from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Interim Provost Butler will be invited to the December meeting. He will join the first half hour of the meeting, from 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.   A few questions will be drafted to ask him and each Subcommittee will give a very brief summary of their work, leaving the rest of the time for him to relate his vision regarding the strategic plan. Council members were asked to email potential questions to Sue by November 30th. These will be finalized and forwarded to Interim Provost Butler by December 3rd (a week before the meeting).

Agenda Item 5: Other

Scheduling a joint Research Council/Grad Council meeting was suggested, for some time toward the end of the year, to update the Grad Council with this year’s accomplishments and vice versa.

A Doodle poll will be sent (after Thanksgiving week) for the best day of the week and time of day for next semester’s monthly meetings.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.