Minutes - Nov 10, 2011

Date of Meeting: 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1:30pm – 201 Gilmore Hall

Council Members present:

Manar Al-Ghabeish, Jordan Cohen, Carolyn Colvin, John Doershuk, Edward Gillan, Jane Gilotti, Robert Kirby, Kevin Kopelson, Yasar Onel, Cheryl Reardon, John Rosazza, Alberto Segre, Linda Snetselaar, and Paul Soderdahl


Rich Hichwa and Ann Ricketts

Agenda Item 1: Approval of minutes from October 13th meeting

The minutes from the October 13th meeting were approved.

Agenda ​Item 2: Discussion of undergraduate research faculty survey results

Bob Kirby presented the results and analysis of the Faculty Undergraduate Research Survey, which was conducted in April 2011. There were 226 responses received, or approximately a sixth of the faculty at the University. Predictably, the majority of the faculty that responded are involved in/provide undergraduate research. 

Survey results in brief:

Positions held by respondents: 

100 Professors

65 Associate Professors

55 Assistant Professors

6 Research Faculty or Scientists

Breakdown of respondents by college:

31 College of Business

5  College of Dentistry

14 College of Education

17 College of Engineering

6 College of Law

83 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

60 College of Medicine

0 College of Nursing

10 College of Pharmacy

0 College of Public Health

Fifty-six percent of the respondents said it was common for undergraduates to participate in research with faculty in their departments. 

Agenda Item 3: Discussion of Shared Credit

Rich Hichwa reported on Shared Credit of sponsored projects. Fiscal management credit and academic credit are the two areas of sponsored projects’ shared credit. 

Fiscal management credit is assigned to the Principal Investigator(s) who oversees all or a portion of the funds from a project. This credit is commonly shared in projects involving team or multidisciplinary groups with multiple Principal Investigators. The fiscal management credit can only be assigned to Principal Investigators, as defined by the University and sponsor, so postdoc research assistants and grad students would not likely qualify for this credit.

Academic credit is assigned to Principal Investigators and other project investigators who advance the project’s creative/scientific and/or scholarly aspects through intellectual contributions. To qualify for this credit the individual must be an eligible investigator as defined by the University and sponsor, but not necessarily a Principal Investigator. 

Agenda Item 4: Discussion of revised Authorship Policy

John Doershuk reported on the revised final version of the Authorship Policy. The only substantive change was assigning ultimate dispute resolution and disciplinary action to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) in the Office of the Vice President for Research. Other changes were editorial changes for easier reading. All responding stakeholders have approved the policy. Yasar Onel moved to accept the policy, seconded by Bob Kirby. The Authorship Policy was approved. The next step is adding it to the University Operations Manual.

Agenda Item 5: Planning/future topics

If Research Council members have any concerns regarding cluster hires they’d like included in a thank you letter Alberto is preparing to send to Associate Provost Rice for speaking to the Council regarding cluster hires, please email them to Alberto from now through November 21st.

Agenda items for the December 8th meeting:

Dean David Johnsen will attend and report on the CLAS Dean search

There will be an update on the VP for Research search

It was noted that the College of Business and College of Engineering have dean searches underway as well. 

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.