Minutes - Mar 7, 2011

Date of Meeting: 

Monday, March 7, 2011

1:00pm – 201 Gilmore Hall

Council Members present:

John Doershuk, Carin Green, Robert Kirby, Yasar Onel, Cheryl Reardon, Catherin Ringen, Paul Romitti, John Rosazza, Alberto Segre, Linda Snetselaar and Paul Soderdahl

Agenda Item 1:  Approval of February 7th meeting minutes

Carin Green moved to accept the February 7th meeting minutes, seconded by John Rosazza. The minutes were approved.

Agenda Item 2: Publication Waiver Subcommittee

There have been no publication waiver requests since the last meeting.

Agenda Item 3: Subcommittee Progress Reports and Actions Items

Centers and Institutes Subcommittee

Work on the Centers and Institutes Subcommittee document, which includes a table outlining what a center may do and a diagram of what a center may look like, is progressing. They hope to have a draft handout at the next meeting for RC member feedback before the last meeting in May.

Authorship Guidelines Subcommittee

After discussing the Authorship Guidelines Subcommittee draft document with the Deputy General Counsel, they’ve decided against imbedding the Authorship Guidelines in theUniversity Operations Manual II-27.6 Ethics in Research as they had intended, because the section is undergoing revision. Authorship Guidelines, therefore, will be a separate University document. They are currently working on the dispute resolution section and linkage of that with applicable University documents, such as Code of Student Life, etc. A draft for review by the Office of the Provost should be ready by the next meeting.

Undergraduate Research Subcommittee

The Undergraduate Research Subcommittee has two surveys they will be sending out; one for faculty and one for students. The surveys will be staged so the faculty survey goes out this spring and the student survey in the fall. The faculty survey will go out soon in the hope of having feedback to analyze at the April meeting. Paul Romitti and Bob Kirby will provide an update on the faculty survey at the next Associate Deans meeting, March 23rd.

Agenda Item 4:  Final Report

Paul will provide a final written report to be posted on the Research Council web site, but also suggested sharing the Research Council’s work this year with the Associate Deans for Research. 

The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.