Minutes - Feb 7, 2011

Date of Meeting: 

Monday, February 7, 2011

1:00pm – 201 Gilmore Hall

Council Members present:

Jordan Cohen, John Doershuk, Edward Gillan, Carin Green, Erin Irish, Kevin Kopelson, Cheryl Reardon, Catherin Ringen, Paul Romitti, John Rosazza and Alberto Segre


Rich Hichwa

Agenda Item 1:  Approval of December 10th meeting minutes

Erin Irish moved to accept the December 10th meeting minutes, seconded by Carin Green. The minutes were approved.

Agenda Item 2: Publication Waiver Subcommittee

The Publication Waiver Subcommittee recently reviewed a complex publication waiver request from the College of Engineering.  The subaward required the UI to accept restrictive language if research results were deemed “sensitive”. The subcommittee recommended that the requested waiver be granted for the current subaward period with conditions and potential subsequent review.

Agenda Item 3: Subcommittee Progress Reports and Actions Items

Authorship Guidelines Subcommittee Report

The Authorship Guidelines Subcommittee provided a draft replacement of the limited guidance on authorship in the Operations Manual. There were suggestions from the Council to include “all” in the last sentence of item (2) of the draft and distinguish the terms “policy” and “guidelines.” The subcommittee will formulate FAQs for the OVPR’s and Office of the Provost’s websites. It was determined that shared governance would be necessary for this level of change to the Operations Manual. Members of the subcommittee, along with Rich Hichwa, will guide this through the; (1) Office of the General Counsel, (2) Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, (3) Graduate College, (4) Faculty Council and (5) Faculty Senate for approval. For questions and feedback, the subcommittee will remain as a body for some time after implementation of any changes to the Ops Manual.

Centers and Institutes Subcommittee Report

The Centers and Institutes Subcommittee is working on a draft policy modeled from the University of Illinois at Chicago. The subcommittee will also create application templates for different center (institute) levels, i.e., university centers, collegiate centers or departmental centers. They are working on distinguishing “center” (ordinarily a subsidiary of a larger entity) from “institute” (ordinarily a larger entity which may incorporate many centers).   The definition of a Board of Regent institute and a Board of Regent center is distinguished by the amount of funding and level of reporting. As policy, ISU starts specialized associations off as programs and determination is made if/as they evolve whether they become a center or institute. 

Agenda Item 4: Spring Semester Meeting Dates and Times

After polling for the best day and time for Research Council meetings, most indicated they were available the first Mondays of the month, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The schedule of meeting days and times for the remainder of this academic year is:

  • Monday, March 7, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Monday, April 4, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Monday, May 2, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item 5: Year-end Meeting

Having a year-end meeting with central administration was discussed, to showcase the work and products resulting from this year’s Research Council. It was decided that a report or letter would be a better, more focused format. 

The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.