Meeting - Feb 18, 2008


Monday, February 18, 2008 - 14:00 to 16:00


Danner Conference Room, Gilmore Hall


  1. 2:00-2:05:  Approval of Minutes and Announcements
  2. 2:05-2:30:  Discussion of memo drafted to Graduate College Dean Keller by Research Council Subcommittee composed of Professor Malanson, Ms. Hynes, and Mr. Dickson
  3. 2:30- 2:50:  Consideration of available ethics and research misconduct training modules that could be adapted and implemented here at the UI 
  4. 2:50 - 3:00:  Adoption of an action plan on gathering the information needed to evaluate and address the obstacles (or lack of incentives) that prevent faculty (in some colleges) from writing more grants to secure external funds.
  5. 3:00-3:40:  Presentation of the process improvement plan for the Human Subjects Office Process, by Rich Hichwa and Martha Jones 
  6. 3:40-4:00:  Update on compliance of the UI policy on SSN’s and changes recently implemented in the IRB application process, by Jane Drews, CISSP, Information Technology Security Officer